I asked a couple days ago about games that were great to play with kids, but were also fun for adults and not overly saccharine in terms of the theme. The response was overwhelming! Well over 200 different games were recommended, some by upwards of 20 people.
Since Facebook comment threads are near-impossible to parse, I took the time to aggregate the responses into the graph below. Note that I tried to catch misspellings or any obvious joke answers (noted with an "lol"), but some may have gotten through. There were also so many games, that I only put those mentioned twice or more into the graph. Please note that these are all games people suggested, so being mentioned even once is admirable. You can also see the full list in the table below the graph. Enjoy, and let me know how playing these games with your kids goes!
Oh, and I'm launching my own game
Deck of Wonders on Kickstarter in late August, and would really appreciate any support you could throw my way!

Name | Votes |
King of Tokyo | 27 |
Kingdomino | 17 |
Ticket to Ride | 13 |
Ghost-Fighting Treasure Hunters | 9 |
Sushi Go | 9 |
Azul | 8 |
Carcassone | 8 |
My Little Scythe | 8 |
Stuffed Fables | 8 |
Isle of Cats | 7 |
Castle Panic | 6 |
Forbidden Island | 6 |
Ice Cool | 6 |
Mice and Mystics | 6 |
Catan Jr | 5 |
Rhyno Hero Super Battle | 5 |
Splendor | 5 |
Tsuro | 5 |
Dixit | 4 |
Dragonwood | 4 |
Santorini | 4 |
Trash Pandas | 4 |
5 Minute Dungeon | 3 |
Blokus | 3 |
Century Golem | 3 |
Clank | 3 |
Dice Throne | 3 |
Drop It | 3 |
Flashpoint | 3 |
Gizmos | 3 |
Lanterns | 3 |
Loveletter | 3 |
Qwirkle | 3 |
Small World | 3 |
Space Base | 3 |
Twighlight Imperium (lol) | 3 |
Zombie Kidz Evolution | 3 |
Alhambra | 2 |
Bang | 2 |
Battle Sheep | 2 |
Boss Monster | 2 |
Clue | 2 |
Copenhagen | 2 |
Deep Sea Adventure | 2 |
Dice Forge | 2 |
Dungeon Mayhem | 2 |
Exploding Kittens | 2 |
Go Nuts for Donuts | 2 |
Harry Potter Hogwarts Battle | 2 |
Hey That's My Fish! | 2 |
Horrified | 2 |
Junk Art | 2 |
King of New York | 2 |
Labyrinth | 2 |
Las Vegas Dice Game | 2 |
Magic Maze | 2 |
Mechs vs Minions | 2 |
Megaland | 2 |
My First Castle Panic | 2 |
Parks | 2 |
Planet | 2 |
Potion Explosion | 2 |
Queendomino | 2 |
Quest for El Dorado | 2 |
Qwixx | 2 |
Rampage | 2 |
Roll for It | 2 |
Rummikub | 2 |
Run for Your Life Candyman | 2 |
Smash Up | 2 |
Star Realms | 2 |
Takenoko | 2 |
Throw Throw Burrito | 2 |
Ticket to Ride: First Journey | 2 |
Ticket to Ride: New York | 2 |
Top Tale | 2 |
Wingspan | 2 |
5 Crowns | 1 |
5 minute Marvel | 1 |
6 Nimmt | 1 |
7 Wonders | 1 |
Aftermath | 1 |
Animal Kingdoms | 1 |
Arcadia Quest | 1 |
ARGH | 1 |
Baren Park | 1 |
Bloom Town | 1 |
Bohnanza | 1 |
Bots Up | 1 |
Bravest Warriors | 1 |
Bunny Kingdom | 1 |
Cahoots | 1 |
Camel Up | 1 |
Carcassonne Jr | 1 |
Cards Against Humanity (lol) | 1 |
Cards that make you LOL | 1 |
Cash and Guns | 1 |
Castle Ravenloft | 1 |
Catan | 1 |
Century | 1 |
Century: Spice Road | 1 |
Circadians: First Light | 1 |
Citadels | 1 |
Clear for Takeoff | 1 |
Climbers | 1 |
Cockroach Poker | 1 |
Cockroach Salad | 1 |
Coleretto | 1 |
Colt Express | 1 |
Concept | 1 |
Cover Your Kingdom | 1 |
Croak | 1 |
Dark Souls: The Board Game | 1 |
Dead Man's Draw | 1 |
Dead Panic | 1 |
Desperados of Dice Town | 1 |
Dicey Goblins | 1 |
Dino Dump | 1 |
Dinos | 1 |
Disney Codenames | 1 |
Disney Villainous | 1 |
Dobbers: Quest for the Key | 1 |
Dominion | 1 |
Downforce | 1 |
Dracodeep Dungeon | 1 |
Dragon Castle | 1 |
Dragoon | 1 |
Dream House | 1 |
Dungeon! | 1 |
Escape Zombie City | 1 |
Escape! | 1 |
Everdell | 1 |
Exchange | 1 |
Farkle | 1 |
Feed the Kitty | 1 |
Five Tribes | 1 |
Flame Rogue | 1 |
Flip Ships | 1 |
Foodies | 1 |
For Sale | 1 |
Fortnite Monopoly | 1 |
Funkoverse | 1 |
Fuzzy Mage Fights | 1 |
Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion | 1 |
Grimm Forest | 1 |
Gub | 1 |
Gulo Gulo | 1 |
Happy Pigs | 1 |
Hero Realms | 1 |
Heroquest | 1 |
Hoot Owl Hoot | 1 |
Imhotep | 1 |
Incan Gold | 1 |
Island of El Dorado | 1 |
Itzi | 1 |
Jetpack Joyride | 1 |
Jumanji (lol) | 1 |
Karak | 1 |
Killer Bunnies | 1 |
Kingdom Death: Monster (lol) | 1 |
L.L.A.M.A. | 1 |
Latice Hawai'i | 1 |
Launch Pad | 1 |
Liar's Dice | 1 |
Long Cow | 1 |
Loopin Louie | 1 |
Loot | 1 |
Machi Koro | 1 |
Mandala | 1 |
Marvel Legendary | 1 |
Marvel Munchkin | 1 |
Maximum Apocalypse | 1 |
Mille Bourne | 1 |
Minecraft: Builders and Biomes | 1 |
Monster Hunter: Iceborne (lol) | 1 |
Monster Madness | 1 |
Monza | 1 |
Munchkin | 1 |
New York 1904 | 1 |
New York Slice | 1 |
Ninja Monkeys | 1 |
No Escape | 1 |
Outfoxed | 1 |
Pairzi | 1 |
Pandemic | 1 |
Pass the Panda | 1 |
Periodic | 1 |
Pie in the Sky | 1 |
Planet | 1 |
Pokemon TCG | 1 |
Quacks | 1 |
Quadropolis | 1 |
Rat a Tat Cat | 1 |
Revolution | 1 |
Robot Turtle | 1 |
Samurai Brothers | 1 |
Shadows in the Forest | 1 |
Shaoila: Warring States | 1 |
Silence is Golden | 1 |
Silver and Gold | 1 |
Skull King | 1 |
Skyjo | 1 |
Slapzi | 1 |
Sleeping Queens | 1 |
Spacehulk | 1 |
Spooky Stairs | 1 |
Stone Age | 1 |
Super Camelot | 1 |
Super Cats | 1 |
Sushi Roll | 1 |
Sword Crafter | 1 |
Tank Chess | 1 |
Tenzi | 1 |
The Golfing Dead | 1 |
The Magic Labyrinth | 1 |
The River | 1 |
The Storymaster's Tales | 1 |
Tiny Epic Defenders | 1 |
Tiny Epic Galaxies | 1 |
Tiny Epic Mechs | 1 |
Transamerica | 1 |
Trekking Games | 1 |
Unmatched Legends | 1 |
Viticulture | 1 |
Viva Topo | 1 |
Warp Gate | 1 |
Weirding Woods | 1 |
Welcome to Dino World | 1 |
Wizard Always Wins | 1 |
Wizards to the Power of 3 | 1 |
Wombat Rescue | 1 |
Woosh | 1 |
Ya Blew It! | 1 |
Yogi | 1 |
Zoned Out | 1 |
Click here to back Deck of Wonders on Kickstarter!
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