The Deck of Wonders Pledge Manager is LIVE! Deck of Wonders is now live on Gamefound ! Those of you who pledged on Kickstarter should have an email in your inbox inviting you to the Gamefound pledge manager. If you missed the Kickstarter, you can get in on the game now AND help us meet additional stretch goals. As promised: late pledges will count towards those goals, and we'll be tracking our progress towards them on the Gamefound page . Speaking of stretch goals, our pledge manger launch comes with ANOTHER major announcement: Deck of Wonders is coming to Forteller, no stretch goal needed! You may remember that our most ambitious stretch goal was to professionally produce the Deck of Wonders story elements as audio segments via Forteller Games . We didn't quite reach it during the campaign, but there was still going to be a chance to unlock it through late pledges. Well, thanks to some fantastic partnership from Forteller, we're able to commit to Deck of Wonders audio RIGH
You've stolen the Deck of Wonders from Fate herself, and now she's unleashing all manner of magical minions to take it back! Deck of Wonders is a solo expandable card game with legacy elements, coming to Kickstarter August 25th.